Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I thought all this is only going to happen for those who are rich but I didn't expect that it is happening to me right now!
Why people always jealous?
The problem here is the rich people jealous on the poor people!
This is totally not right!
the poor people have 3 children same as the rich people.
In the group of  the poor people, the first child stands between clever and stupid, the second child is slightly better than the first and the third child is still growing up to catch up now.
In the rich people group, the first child is only good in Mathematics and he doesn't really like to study, the second child is the cleverest among them and she's really better than the poor people, luckily she's a polite girl and for the third child, he is the laziest among the 6 of them.
Both the second child from that two different family are close to each other and they really are like best friend, they always share and care about each other.
However, the rich child's mother always jealous because the second child from the poor family always make their grandpa proud of her and he are willing to give what the girl needs for her future study.
So the rich child's mother said bad things about the poor family at the back!
The father from the poor family knew and he just want to ignore it but things doesn't went on easy on him.
Lately, the second child needs a laptop for going to college, her grandma phone her uncle to buy her a laptop and forget about the price tag, just buy the better one.
The jealous mother heard this conversation and she's so jealous!
The father of the girl knew and although he's poor but he is still willing to spend money to buy for her.
The girl doesn't want her father to do so because she knew their family really 'suffer' from 'lacking money'!
So there's only left one solution - the girl need to study hard and make their family proud so that they don't need to always feel people look down on them!
The girl swear that she wouldn't let their family down!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Twice!! Ghost~

This is really terrified!! 
Last year I experienced this before my SPM examination.
And now, I experienced once more!
I was sleeping on my bed this evening because I was so tired.
Suddenly, I can't control my body movement anymore.
So I tried to open my eyes to see what's happening to me.
I opened my eyes and I saw myself!
That's creepy because I'm starring myself with those evil eyes which wasn't belong to me!
It's that ghost!
That ghost tied up both my hands so that I can't move at all.
So bad!
I tried to calm down myself and keep singing -"na mo guan shi yin pu sa, na mo guan shi yin pu sa..."
But I still can't move because the ghost knew it wouldn't work as its too strong to fight against the goody!
Never say never, I tell myself I wouldn't let its control me, this is my body!
So I fight!
I tried to hold my hands tied and tried to move and scream!!
Finally, the ghost couldn't hold me off anymore and let me go!
I quickly open my eyes to make sure it never comes back.
These kind of ghost usually come when you are asleep.
Now I'm not scare of YOU anymore, ghost!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baby arriving!!

I love babies..so I love this song- BABY by Justin Bieber.
Yesterday the little baby girl was arrived at my house, wow! such a cute little baby!
Is been a long time I didn't get chances to carry a baby!
Such a wonderful feeling~  ^_^
The baby name 'KER SHIN', same name as a friend of mine last time.
Aw~ When you successfully make a baby smile, that feeling is awesome!
Try it!
I love babies!! yeah!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

If you try......

If you try to force me, I swear I'll reply you a big surprise!
You beat me down today, I swear I'll let you disappointed forever!
You hurt me today, I swear I'm no longer belong to yours!
You make my arm become useless, I'll pay you back!
If you try again....

This is not just about......

This is not just about you.
This is not just about me.
This is not just about how angry you are.
This is not just about how I'm mad at you.
This is not just about what time is it.
This is not just about what am I doing now.
This is not just about what's you hope.
This is not just about my future.
This is about me, I just want to be what I really want now and I'm happy with that although that's not what you want me to!
This is me, who I really were!
Don't judge me!
Don't change me!
Don't even think about it!
For what you did to me today, I'm not going to pay you back because I couldn't.
However, I wouldn't listen to you anymore!
I swear I wouldn't!

Things that can't tell...

Things that can't tell on facebook, I will say it here.
Things that can't tell on twitter, I will write it here.
Things that can't tell anyone, I will jot down here.
Things that can't tell people, I will keep it here.
I just want to say, no one! No one will ever know what am I thinking and what am I going to do!

You're not the one......

You're not the one that only hates me!
Let me tell you something, I'm the one that hates you!!!!!

I think I will do that! I swear!

I choose this red colour to show that I will make it bloody if.......
I still remember I said before if the two of you separated, I will go to the tallest building that I can find and......
You don't think I will isn't?
I'm here to tell you, I'M SURE I WILL!! DEFINITELY WILL!!
After what you did to me today, I hate you!
I'm not a baby girl anymore! 
You can't treat me like that anymore!
I want to say, if he want to leave you, you deserved it!
And after, I don't think this world will be my hope to live anymore!
I swear I will do that! I swear!
The God hear me!
I will!
Definitely will!

Should I Let Him Go?

Should I let him go?
After that news spreading all over the world, should I still believe him and stay what I were now?
I can feel that he is changing.
I'd even ask on Facebook and the result is same as what I thought.
Even my parents, they also thought that he is changing and becoming a totally different guy.
He promise us that he is still the guy that we all know before but he always act differently.
I really don't understand him anymore.
I hate that girl that ruined all this!
You know what? I actually do like that girl before this happened.
Ahhh! Really don't know why this is happening!
I'm starting to hate him!

Barbie Doll

Last Sunday, I took out my barbie dolls to play.
Haha..I'm still childish.
I comb their hair one by one, dressed them up with fancy dresses and helped them tied up their beautiful hair, finally let them wore a pair of beautiful high heels.
Yes, I'm a girl who like to live like a barbie.
Become a barbie, sometimes is better than become a human.
I don't like to face this world which everyone play a secret role in their heart but act differently in physical.
This is tired when you have to face this kind of people almost everyday in one's day life.
However, become a barbie doll is lot more easier and happy if they have a nice owner.
Am I right? I will never get any answer from here, I know.
I'm just asking myself why human must have two sites?
Evil or Good?
Demon or Angel?
You decide......

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I hate cockroach!! I hate lizard!! I hate mosquitoes!!

Yesterday, after I washed the dishes and hang them to dry off, suddenly a small half-black lizard crawl in front of my hand.
At first I didn't notice its appearance because I did not switch on the light.
Of course, my first reaction is scream. However, my voice did not follow my instruction, my screaming voice is very small.
I hate you, stupid lizard!!

Yesterday midnight, I can't felt asleep because I can feel that something is touching my leg and it's hurt, it feels like something sharp as needle is touching my skin.
Is because is sleeping time, my surrounding was dark as I didn't switch on the light.
I want to sleep, so I was lazy to switch on the light to check what is biting me, is it a mosquito?
For the whole night, I couldn't sleep because I think something is crawling all over my body!
What is that? Please, I want to sleep, tomorrow still need to wake up earlier!
Finally, I feel something is on my face. At first I just swept it away, then it drop to my hand.
With the small light help, I saw something like the size of our finger nail, which is black crawling up and down on my arm!!!
Ahhhhh!!! I quickly jumped up and switch on the light!
There's a cockroach on my bed?!!!
I want to kill it!
However, when I grap the bottle ready to kill it, it just disappear.  
And then, I just couldn't felt asleep anymore. I moved my pillow to another room to sleep.

When I was ready to sleep again, that stupid and annoying mosquitoes flying around. Looks like they want to show me how good they can fly! OH, STUPID!!
So, I just remain awake until now!
I hate you, lizard! cockroach!! mosquitoes!!!